Born in Switzerland, I have a passion for skiing and Swiss chocolate! I obtained my Masters in Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathology in 1995 at the University of Lariboisiere, Paris, France (Prof B Swynghedauw) and my doctorate in Pharmacy at the University of Burgundy, France in 1996.
While training as a Doctor in Pharmacy, I got the opportunity to spend some time in research laboratories in Montreal, Canada and Uppsala, Sweden. These fantastic experiences motivated me to pursue my studies with a PhD in Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology at the University of Burgundy (Prof Luc Rochette), which I completed in 2000 (Title: Role of myocardial irration on nitric oxide metabolism).
In 1999, I came to South Africa for a sabbatical. I fell in love with the country and decided to return to South Africa in 2000 as a Postdoctoral Fellow.
My husband, Philippe, and I are now the proud parents of 2 daughters, Thandie and Nolize, who keep us busy when we are not at work.