HICRA 5-year Review

Reviewers Report – HICRA 5-year Review

The reviewers found the 5-year Self-Review Portfolio, in printed booklet format, to be comprehensive and complete and noted the excellent graphic design. They also found the breakdown of additional information provided, i.e. former, actual and anticipated funding, the HICRA constitution and CVs of the key researchers to be well presented and of a high standard overall.

The reviewers found the 5-year Self-Review Portfolio, in printed booklet format, to be comprehensive and complete and noted the excellent graphic design. They also found the breakdown of additional information provided, i.e. former, actual and anticipated funding, the HICRA constitution and CVs of the key researchers to be well presented and of a high standard overall.

The reviewers stated that they were impressed by the remarkable transition from the Opie era to the Sliwa era, as well as with the renovations and reshaping of the facilities that had taken place over the past three years.  More importantly, they felt that the Institute had been transformed from a purely basic science laboratory devoted to cardio-protection, to a translational institute which retains basic science strengths, but now also concentrates on clinical and population sciences in cardiovascular diseases, with particular focus on Africa.

The reviewers felt that HICRA displayed an outstanding performance and that the future research plans for the next five years are well structured and coherent.  They commented on the strong interdisciplinary approach from basic to clinical research extended to the public health sphere which contributes to an integrated scientific capacity building.

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