Publications 2001

Davidson JS, Myers JE, Opie LH, Rayner BL, Trinder YA(December 16, 2001)
Summary: Rayner BL, Myers JE, Opie LH, Trinder YA, Davidson JS. Screening for primary aldosteronism – normal ranges for aldosterone and renin on three South African population groups. S Afr Medical J 2001; 91: 594-599.
Keywords: aldosterone, primary aldosteronism, renin, South Africa
Categories: 2001, Peer Reviewed Articles
Opie LH, Yellon DM(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH, Yellon DM (Editors). Cardiology at the Limits IV. Stanford Writers, Univ. of Cape Town Press. Cape Town, 2001.
Categories: 2001, Chapters in Books
Opie LH(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH. Mechanisms of cardiac contraction and relaxation. In: Heart Disease (6th Edition). Ed. E Braunwald. W B Saunders, Philadelphia. 2001. pp 443-478.
Categories: 2001, Chapters in Books
Opie LH(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH. Should I give digoxin to patients with heart failure if they are in sinus rhythm? If so, to whom? Are there dangers to stopping it once started. In: 100 Questions in Cardiology. D...
Categories: 2001, Chapters in Books
Frishman WH, Opie LH(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH, Frishman WH. Adverse cardiovascular drug reactions and complications. In: Hurst’s The Heart, Manual of Cardiology, 10th Ed. R A O’Rourke, V Fuster, W Alexander, R Roberts, S B King, H J J Wellens,...
Categories: 2001, Chapters in Books
Opie LH(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH. Ventricular function. In: Essential Cardiology, Principles and Practice. C Rosendorff, ed. W B Saunders, Philadelphia. 2001. pp 38-58.
Categories: 2001, Books
Opie LH(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Opie LH. Which patients with impaired ventricles should receive an ACE inhibitor? What are the survival advantages? Do AT1-receptor antagonists conver the same advantages? In: 100 Questions in Cardiology. D Holdright, H Montgomery, eds. BMJ...
Categories: 2001, Books
Lacerda L, Minners J, Opie LH, Sack MN(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Minners J, Lacerda L, Opie LH, Sack MN. Trimetazidine (TMZ), an anti-ischemic drug, ameliorates loss of mitochondrial membrane potential resulting from simulated ischemia-reperfusion injury. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2001; 15 (Suppl 1): P-076.
Categories: 2001, Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
Awan MM, Hidaka H, Lochner A, Makaula S, Opie LH, Sack MN(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Makaula S, Awan MM, Lochner A, Hidaka H, Sack MN, Opie LH. Proposed role of activation of protein kinase A (PKA) in lessening protective effects of ischemic preconditioning (IPC), as shown by H-89, an inhibitor...
Categories: 2001, Conference Proceedings and Abstracts
Lecour S, Opie LH, Sack MN(February 24, 2001)
Summary: Lecour S, Opie LH, Sack MN. Sphingolipid signalling: A putative novel pathway to activate mitochondrial KATP channel mediated preconditioning. Circulation 2001; 104 (Suppl II); II-15.
Categories: 2001, Conference Proceedings and Abstracts